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The Australian National University
Research School of Earth Sciences - Hrvoje Tkalčić - CV

Hrvoje Tkalčić

Research School of Earth Sciences
The Australian National University
Jaeger Building 61A
Mills Road Acton
Canberra, ACT 0200
+61 2 6125-3213 (tel)
+61 2 6257-2737 (fax)

Academic CV in pdf format last updated: January 2025


University of California at Berkeley

PhD in Geophysics, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Seismological Laboratory , Dec 2001
Graduate Advisor: Prof. Barbara Romanowicz
PhD thesis topic: Studying the Deep Earth Structure Using Core Sensitive Phases

School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Diploma of Engineering in Physics (M.Sc.), speciality in Geophysics with Meteorology, Dec 1996
Department of Physics
Department of Geophysics

Publications and abstracts

Research Interests

Global observational seismology with special interest in deep Earth structure and dynamics; the inner and outer
core, the lowermost mantle, interaction between the core and mantle; characterization of inhomogeneities
and anisotropy in Earth,

Lithospheric imaging using multiple geophysical data sets and developing new approaches,
e.g. joint modeling of teleseismic receiver functions and surface waves using Bayesian inference,

Physics of seismic sources; full moment tensor representation of non-double-couple
sources, explosions, impacts, volcanic earthquakes; modeling complex finite sources and ground motion using
various computational methods

Deployment of geophysical instruments in remote areas of Earth including oceans; installation of geophysical
instruments on other planets; planetary seismology.

Detailed Research Interests

Academic Honours

2024 Honorary Doctorate (honoris causa), University of Zagreb, Croatia

2024 Elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science

2024 Dean's Commendation for Excellence in Education for Excellence in Supervision, ANU

2023 Distinguished Scientist, Chinese Academy of Sciences President's International Fellowship

2022 Vice Chancellor Award for Excellence in Education for excellence in supervision, ANU

2022 Price Medal, Royal Astronomical Society, London, UK

2021 Dean's Commendation for Excellence in Education for Excellence in Supervision, ANU

2020 Elected Fellow of the American Geophysical Union

2016 Excellence in Research Achievement Award by AuScope

2010/11 Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

2002 Outstanding Student Paper Award by American Geophysical Union

1997 The Perry Byerly Graduate Fellowship in Seismology, UC Berkeley

Service (selected)

2024 Fellows Review Committee (American Geophysical Union - Seismology Section Chair)

2023-2027 Executive Committee (IUGG/IASPEI (Int. Assoc. of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior))

2022 and 2023 Fellows Committee (American Geophysical Union - Seismology Section)

2020-present College of Assessors (New Zealand Ministry of Business/Innovation/Employment)

2019-2021 College of Experts (Australian Research Council)

2018-2019 Keiiti Aki Young Scientist Award Committee (American Geophysical Union)

2015-2019 Study of Earth's Deep Interior (SEDI/IUGG) - Executive Committee

2017-present Scientific Reports - Editorial Board

2014-present Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors - Editorial Board

2007-present Warramunga Seismic and Infrasound Array Facility, Northern Territory - Director

2009-present ANU Bachelor of Phylosophy Degree Coordinator for Earth and Marine Sciences

Other skills and interests

Fluent in Croatian and English, advanced Spanish and familiarity with other Slavic languages
Morse code (one-year experience in the army)
Accordion playing (classical concert repertoire)
Mushroom enthusiast, past member of the Mycological Society of San Francisco
and The Society of Wine Educators, current member of Canberra Wine and Food Club.

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