First observations of PKPPKP precursors
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First observations of "podal" PKPPKP waves and their precursors:
Evidence for a heterogeneous zone located between 150 and 220 km depths in
Earth's upper mantle
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PKPPKP (also known as P'P') are P waves that travel from a hypocenter
through the Earth's core, reflect from the free surface and travel back
through the core to a recording station on the surface. We report the
observations of hitherto unobserved near-podal PP waves (at epicentral
distance < 10º) and very prominent precursors preceding the main energy by
as much as 60 seconds. We interpret these precursors as a back-scattered
energy from horizontally connected small-scale heterogeneity in the upper
mantle beneath the oceans in a zone between 150 and 220 km depth beneath
the Earths surface. From these observations, we identify a frequency
dependence of attenuation quality factor Q in the lithosphere that can be
modeled by a flat relaxation spectrum below about 0.05-0.1 Hz and
increasing with the first power of frequency above this value.

The figure above shows (top left) a schematic representation of PKPPKP
podal ray paths (very small epicentral distances) through Earth; (top
right) a schematic representation of the interpretation of PKPPKP
precursors as back-scattering from the zone of short scale heterogeneities
in the upper mantle between 150 and 220 km depth; (bottom) beams of PKPPKP
waves and PKPPKP precursors, indicating that they arrive to the station
from the same direction.
This is an electronic version of an article published by American
Geophysical Union. Copyright (2006) American Geophysical Union:
Tkalčić, H., M.P. Flanagan and V.F. Cormier, Observation
of near-podal P'P' precursors: Evidence for back scattering from the
150-220 km zone in the Earths upper mantle, Geophysical Research
Letters, 33, L03305, doi:10.1029/2005GL024626, 2006.
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This article was featured under "Editor's Choice" in Science 301,
1215, 2006.
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