Requirements :
-A working internet connection
-Python3 (2.7 may also work but not recommended) & and interactive interpreter (e.g. ipython3)
-ObsPy installed. Use a package manager (such as conda or pip) to install all dependencies (numpy, SQLAlchemy, lxml, Cython, future, proj4, matplotlib and cartopy or basemap). For detailed instructions to install ObsPy, go to
At its simplest, obspy can be used in a manner equivalent to curl or wget (or a web browser!) to grab miniseed data via a single target, similar to pointing to a file
Element | Signification |
? | marks the end of the website adress serving the data |
& | separates the arguments to select AusPass data | | Client name (AusPass website serving FDSN data) |
fdsnws/ | FSDN Web Services on that client |
dataselect/1/ | Data retrieval services (distinct for station metadata and event metadata) |
query | Do a download |
net=S1 | Seismic network "S1" - AUstralian Seismometers In Schools - AUSIS |
sta=AUAYR | Station "AUAYR" located at Ayr, Queensland, Australia |
cha=BH? | All broadband channels available starting with "BH" ie. BHE, BHN and BHZ |
start=2018-03-29T20:00:00.000 | Data start time using ISO standard date and time format |
end=2018-03-29T20:10:00.000 | Data end time using ISO standard date and time format |
# a very simple version which grabs data using the above elements pasted together
import obspy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
st ='')
st.plot(); plt.close() #note that "plt.close()" may not be necessary for you!
3 Trace(s) in Stream: S1.AUAYR..BHZ | 2018-03-29T19:59:41.000000Z - 2018-03-29T20:10:01.500000Z | 10.0 Hz, 6206 samples S1.AUAYR..BHE | 2018-03-29T19:59:48.000000Z - 2018-03-29T20:10:13.800000Z | 10.0 Hz, 6259 samples S1.AUAYR..BHN | 2018-03-29T19:59:57.800000Z - 2018-03-29T20:10:00.900000Z | 10.0 Hz, 6032 samples
User_agent field is not required, but it is polite to include and allows us to contact you in the unlikely event your requests are causing an issue. Your address is not stored or added to any lists.
User and password should ONLY be given here if you are requesting restricted data. Restricted data is typically limited to the PI for up to 2 years following its availability here.
import obspy
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client as FDSN_Client
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
auspass = FDSN_Client('',user_agent='') #,user='username',password='password')
network = "S1"
station = "AUAYR"
location = "*" #n.b. AusPass data typically has a univeral blank (e.g. '') value for ALL station locations. "*" works just as well.
channel = "BH*" #note that BH* channels here are 10 Hz, HH* are 100
time0 = obspy.UTCDateTime(2018,3,29,1,19,5) #1 hour, 19 minutes, and 5 seconds after start of March 29 2018 (UTC)
time1 = time0 + 180 #180 seconds after time0
st = auspass.get_waveforms(network=network,station=station,location=location,channel=channel,starttime=time0,endtime=time1)
st.plot(); plt.close()
3 Trace(s) in Stream: S1.AUAYR..BHZ | 2018-03-29T01:19:05.000000Z - 2018-03-29T01:22:05.000000Z | 10.0 Hz, 1801 samples S1.AUAYR..BHE | 2018-03-29T01:19:05.000000Z - 2018-03-29T01:22:05.000000Z | 10.0 Hz, 1801 samples S1.AUAYR..BHN | 2018-03-29T01:19:05.000000Z - 2018-03-29T01:22:05.000000Z | 10.0 Hz, 1801 samples
inv = auspass.get_stations(network=network,level='channel') #this downloads all station information for a network.
# NOTE--- if you ALSO need response information, set level='response'. By default this is assumed to be 'channel'
#inventory/response can also be loaded via local file, or alternate formats such as RESP or DATALESS SEED (among others)
# inv = obspy.read_inventory("filename",format='SEED') #for DATALESS SEED, or format='RESP'
# # You can also search for stations/networks within a certain area, or filter by time with starttime= and endtime=
#bounding box
# inv = auspass.get_stations(network="*",minlatitude=-23.0, maxlatitude=-22.5, minlongitude=133.0, maxlongitude=134.0)
#or even search for stations/networks within a min/max radial distance (in degrees)
# inv = auspass.get_stations(network="*",latitude=-23.0, latitude=-22.5, minradius=0.1,maxradius=4)
# And then can plot the stations on a map
inv.plot(projection='local'); plt.close() #can quickly show where these stations are
Filtering is easy, and there are many types and methods to choose from in ObsPy.
# Here is a simple Butterworth Bandpass between 2-3 Hz
st.filter('bandpass',freqmin=0.2, freqmax=4.0)
st.plot(); plt.close()
NOTE that this operation is irreversible! So if you want to try a different filter you'll have to re-load your waveform data.
st = auspass.get_waveforms(network=network,station=station,location=location,channel=channel,starttime=time0,endtime=time1)
st_bak = st.copy()
st.filter('bandpass',freqmin=1.0, freqmax=4.0)
st = st_bak.copy() #revert to original
#first, be sure that response information exists within our inventory. this is done by setting level='response'
inv = auspass.get_stations(network=network,level='response')
st.remove_response(inventory=inv) #this automatically parses the inventory for the correct network/station/channel response!
Response information can also be examined and even plotted
#response is at the channel level (three subsets down) e.g. inv[network][station][channel]
inv0 =,station=station)
response = inv0[0][0][0].response
response.plot(min_freq=.001); plt.close()
#you can also directly compare the effect of removing the response on a waveform
st = st_bak.copy()
tr = st[0]
tr.remove_response(inventory=inv, output="DISP",pre_filt=[0.01,.1,3,4],water_level=60, plot=True);; plt.close()
No handles with labels found to put in legend.
#let's download earthquakes from USGS...
usgs = FDSN_Client("USGS") #establish connection in the same way as auspass. n.b."USGS" has its own shortcut, no address needed
#let's just download ALL earthquakes in the southern hemisphere during January 2016 greater than M6
events = usgs.get_events(starttime=obspy.UTCDateTime(2016,1,1), endtime=obspy.UTCDateTime(2016,2,1), maxlatitude=0, minmagnitude=6)
#show results & plot
events.plot(); plt.close()
5 Event(s) in Catalog: 2016-01-31T17:38:59.950000Z | -63.263, +169.149 | 6.1 mww | manual 2016-01-26T03:10:20.750000Z | -5.295, +153.245 | 6.1 mww | manual 2016-01-14T03:25:28.270000Z | -19.760, -63.329 | 6.1 mww | manual 2016-01-05T09:34:14.620000Z | -54.291, -136.260 | 6.0 mww | manual 2016-01-01T02:00:39.950000Z | -50.557, +139.449 | 6.3 mww | manual
st.trim(starttime=time0,endtime=time1-5) #trims the last 5 seconds off all data in the stream
sub_st = st.slice(starttime=time0,endtime=time1-5) #returns a NEW stream "sub_st" instead, without altering original
st.decimate(factor=2) #performs a literal decimation bt "factor" amount (e.g. 100 Hz > 50 Hz)
##interpolate data to a set sampling rate (or via number or samples, or a time range, or...?
#Performs better than straight decimation when the factor is large)
3 Trace(s) in Stream: S1.AUAYR..BHZ | 2018-03-29T01:19:05.000000Z - 2018-03-29T01:22:00.000000Z | 10.0 Hz, 1751 samples S1.AUAYR..BHE | 2018-03-29T01:19:05.000000Z - 2018-03-29T01:22:00.000000Z | 10.0 Hz, 1751 samples S1.AUAYR..BHN | 2018-03-29T01:19:05.000000Z - 2018-03-29T01:22:00.000000Z | 10.0 Hz, 1751 samples
import numpy as np
tr = st[0]
std = np.std(
mean = np.mean(
#this loops through all traces in a stream and converts the data type
for tr in st: ='int32') #or float64, or int8, or float16, or,..
tr.stats #quickly prints what's available
sr = tr.stats.sampling_rate
delta = #the time in seconds per sample (e.g. 1/sr)
start = tr.stats.starttime + 10 #shifts starttime (as well as all subsequent time data) 10 seconds into the future
tr.stats.station = "NEWSTATIONNAME" #changes station name to whatever you like!
tr.stats.location = '00'
print("station name is now %s, and it now starts at %s" % (tr.stats.station,start))
station name is now NEWSTATIONNAME, and it now starts at 2018-03-29T01:19:15.000000Z
#saves a local copy of inv as a 'STATIONXML', and validates it is structured correctly.
#lets save the events we downloaded as well
#Saving miniseed data can be a little trickier, and you may have to organise filenames and data depending on what you're trying to do.
#To simply save the entire stream of data into a singular file,
st.write("",format='MSEED',encoding='STEIM2',reclen=4096) #note that STEIM2 requires int32 dtype