The following code snippets go over some of the fundamental features of FDSN-via-ObsPy

Requirements :

-A working internet connection

-Python3 (2.7 may also work but not recommended) & and interactive interpreter (e.g. ipython3)

-ObsPy installed. Use a package manager (such as conda or pip) to install all dependencies (numpy, SQLAlchemy, lxml, Cython, future, proj4, matplotlib and cartopy or basemap). For detailed instructions to install ObsPy, go to

At its simplest, obspy can be used in a manner equivalent to curl or wget (or a web browser!) to grab miniseed data via a single target, similar to pointing to a file

Element Signification
? marks the end of the website adress serving the data
& separates the arguments to select AusPass data Client name (AusPass website serving FDSN data)
fdsnws/ FSDN Web Services on that client
dataselect/1/ Data retrieval services (distinct for station metadata and event metadata)
query Do a download
net=S1 Seismic network "S1" - AUstralian Seismometers In Schools - AUSIS
sta=AUAYR Station "AUAYR" located at Ayr, Queensland, Australia
cha=BH? All broadband channels available starting with "BH" ie. BHE, BHN and BHZ
start=2018-03-29T20:00:00.000 Data start time using ISO standard date and time format
end=2018-03-29T20:10:00.000 Data end time using ISO standard date and time format

However the true utility of this protocol is its use in a modular or object-oriented sense. Let's try again.

Establish an FDSN connection

Set request parameters

Pull data from AusPass, and plot

Network and staton metadata (and response information) can be downloaded from AusPass in a similar manner.

Finally let's work with this data!

Filtering is easy, and there are many types and methods to choose from in ObsPy.

NOTE that this operation is irreversible! So if you want to try a different filter you'll have to re-load your waveform data.

Removing instrument response is also very very easy!

Response information can also be examined and even plotted

Downloading EVENTS

Some other common operations...

Metadata can also be called/printed/altered

Saving to disk