These photos are taken in the vicinity of Tennant Creek, Northern Territory. The ANU operates Warramunga Seismic and Infrasonic Facility for CTBTO, with its centre located in Vienna. Devils Marbles are south of Tennant Creek along the Stuart Highway, and the abandoned telegraph station is to the north. Due to its remoteness and a minimum amount of antropogenic and microseismic noise, this location is of a great value in monitoring global earthquakes and explosions.

Warramunga station door sign

A grasshopper contemplating - there are over 2800 species of crickets and grasshoppers in Australia

Termite mounds are countless in Northern Territory

Devils Marbles (Karlu Karlu) - a site of gigantic rounded granite boulders formed over millions of years

A burnt cable and a dried snake found in one of the vaults

Old telegraph station north of Tennant Creek

Warramunga wild horses

A view to the antenna from the base of water tanks

A view to the trailer and antennas from behind the old diesel tank

The Australian Blue Tongue lizard

A grasshopper found a perfect shade in an old piece of equipment

An abandoned trailer

Brian Kennett and I standing in a dry riverbed

Down in the vault

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