Research School of Earth Sciences
The Australian National University
Jaeger Building 61A
Room #237
Mills Road Acton
Canberra, ACT 0200
+61 2 6125-4833 (tel)
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PhD in Seismology, 2015 -
PhD thesis topic: Deep earth structure in Fennoscandia: new insights from passive seismic imaging
Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University MSc in Geology, 2015
Geological Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia BSc in Geology, 2013 Diploma with Honours
Geological Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Makushkina A., Tauzin B., Tkalčić H., Thybo H. (2019) The Mantle Transition Zone in Fennoscandia: Enigmatic high topography without deep mantle thermal anomaly. Geophyscial Research Letters. Accepted.
Dubinin E., Grokholsky A., A. Makushkina (2018) Physical Modeling of the Formation Conditions of Microcontinents and Continental Marginal Plateaus., Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 66-78. doi 10.1134/S1069351318010056.
International Conference abstracts:
Makushkina A., Tauzin B., Miller M.S., Thybo H., Tkalčić H. (2019) Lithospheric structure beneath Fennoscandia based on P- and S-wave receiver functions. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Makushkina A., Tauzin, B., Tkalčić H., Thybo H. (2018) The Mantle Transition Zone in Scandinavia. AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, USA.
Makushkina A., B.Tauzin, H. Tkalčić, H. Thybo I. Artemieva (2018), Topography and Thickness of the Mantle Transition Zone Beneath Scandinavia. EGU 2017 General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Kiraly A., Haynie K.L., Makushkina A., Metcalf K., Portner D.E., Manga M., Parks B.H., O'Farrell K.A., Ghosh T., Moresi L.N., Jadamec M.A., Stern R.J.(2017) The Effect of Slab Holes on the Surrounding Mantle Flow Field and the Surface from a Multi-Disciplinary Approach. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA.
Artemieva I. M., O. Barantseva, H. Thybo, A. Shulgin, A. Makushkina (2017) Lithosphere Structure Of The North Atlantic Region. GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA.
Makushkina A., H. Tkalčić, S. Kim, I. Artemieva, H. Thybo (2017), Preliminary Results on Scandinavian Lithospheric Structure Revealed by Joint Analysis of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion. EGU Meeting, Vienna, Austria.
Makushkina A., Youssof M., Tkalčić H., Vinnik L.P., Thybo H. (2017) Application Of Receiver Based Techniques To Image Crustal Structures Of Scandinavia. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA.
Makushkina A., Thybo H., Vinnik L.P., Youssof M. (2016) Preliminary results on crustal structure in Scandinavia from the P-receiver function study. Seismix. University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Dubinin E., Grokholsky A., Makushkina A. (2016) Geodynamic settings of microcontinents, non-volcanic islands and submerged continental marginal plateau formation. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Makushkina A., Thybo H., Vinnik L.P., Youssof M. (2016) P-wave receiver function study of crustal structure in Scandinavia. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Makushkina A., Dubinin E., Grokholsky A. (2015) Examination of Jan-Mayen and Elan microcontinents formation conditions based on analogue modeling. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Makushkina A., Dubinin E., Grokholsky A. (2014) Geometrical constraints of rift fissures on the formation of isolated micro continental blocks during transition from continental rifting to oceanic spreading based on analogue modelling. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
Makushkina A. (2013) Heterogeneous crust structure of the Kerguelen Plateau. Geology of seas and oceans: Proceedings of XX International Conference on Marine Geology. Moscow. Vol. V. pp.174-178
Academic honours/achievements:
2018-2020 Grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark
2019 ANU Mervyn & Katalin Paterson Fellowship
2018 Vice-Chancellor Travel Grant, ANU
2015 Presidential Scholarship, Lomonosov Moscow State University
2014, 2015 EGU Young Scientist Travel Awards
2014 EAGE Travel Grant for winning Geo-Quiz
2013 MSc Tuition Fee waiver, Lomonosov Moscow State University
2009 BSc Tuition Fee waiver, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Research Interests:
Deep Earth imaging using P-wave and S-wave receiver function analysis
High resolution crustal imaging using P-wave coda autocorrelation
Joint Transdimensional, hierarchical, Bayesian inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion
Other skills and interests: